Organic Bug Spray: The Chemical-Free Solution to Mosquitos

Summertime Weather

Summer is almost here, and chances are you will be spending a lot of time outdoors. Backyard cookouts, weekends by the pool, dog walks in the park, and dinners on the patio – life seems to move outside as soon as the sun comes out. And as much as we love the warm weather, so do the bugs.

Pesky Mosquitos

While they feed on nectar and sugar for nourishment, female mosquitos need the protein found in blood in order to make eggs .They find us by sensing the carbon dioxide we put out when we breathe, as well as the chemicals in our sweat. Are you a fan of wearing bright colors? Mosquitos are visually attracted to colors that stand out in comparison to the scenery. To top it all off, they can detect heat, so all of us warm-blooded humans have nowhere to hide.

Traditional Bug Sprays

Anti-pest sprays are a good way to keep the bugs away, but the chemical smell can be overwhelming. Some people would rather get a few mosquito bites than shower themselves with pesticides. Citronella candles provide some relief but only protect a small area. A solution that is chemical free, smells great, and protects you no matter where you are is an organic bug spray.

Citrus Spray Insect Repellent

HollyBeth Organics’ Citrus Spray Insect Repellent to the rescue! This organic bug spray was inspired by HollyBeth’s Citrus All Over Cream, which clients began to use to keep the bugs at bay. Harnessing the natural insect repelling properties of bergamot, orange, and lemon combined with lavender and tea tree oil, this delightfully fragrant organic spray mists the body with uplifting citrus while providing expert protection against mosquitos and bugs. Get outdoors and enjoy your summer, bug free and chemical free!

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