Organic Beauty Talk Review

Thank you Organic Beauty talk for the reveiw!

 “I use HollyBeth’s Lavender Hand Cream every night before bed! It’s become an integral part of my bedtime routine. HollyBeth’s Lavender Hand Cream is USDA certified organic, smells heavenly, and is extremely moisturizing. A little goes a long way with this natural hand cream and a pea-size amount is all that you really need. The consistency is creamy and smooth, and it absorbs really well. I tend to use  HollyBeth’s Lavender Hand Cream at night because it’s so rich and I like to put a little more on than what’s needed to let it deeply hydrate my skin. Plus, the scent is so soothing and calming as I fall asleep. My hands are left soft and moisturized when I wake up.”
Length of Time Product Used Before Review:  2-1/2 months

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