Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy History Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines aromatherapy as “the use of natural oils that have a pleasant smell to make a person feel better especially by rubbing the oils into the skin.” The use of essential oils for aromatherapy...

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day This Sunday is Mother’s Day, a time to celebrate those that have been a major force of support and inspiration in your life. Be it your mother, caregiver, or any person in your life who has guided you, it is time to say thank you – and shower them...

Inman Park Festival 2016

History of Festival Inman Park Festival is this weekend! Every year on the last weekend in April, the streets around HollyBeth Organics’ studio come alive to celebrate one of Atlanta’s oldest neighborhoods – Inman Park. Starting in the 1970’s, the community came...

Backyard Inspiration

Natural Perfection I was walking through my backyard today and found this pink rose in full bloom, soaking up the sun and enjoying the spring weather. I couldn’t help but think how amazing nature is. This entire splendor comes from the Earth, a natural gift that...

The Benefits of Beeswax for Skin

       The many benefits of beeswax for skin make it a powerful ingredient in several of HollyBeth Organic’s products. What exactly is beeswax?  Beeswax is naturally secreted by honey bees and used to line the inside of the hive to create honeycombs for honey storage....
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