Improve Your Skin While You Sleep Your nighttime skin care routine plays an important role in the condition of your skin. Those eight hours of sleep (well, maybe more like 5 – 8 hours depending on life’s busy schedule) are prime time for your body to relax,...
Spring is in the Air Time to break out your spring skincare products! Now that the sun is out and nature is in bloom, cold winter nights wrapped up inside by the fire are replaced by outside adventures and lighthearted evenings on a patio. Life is in full...
Fighting the signs of aging seems to be a battle that will never end. Getting older is inevitable, which means wrinkles are, too. I love the wisdom and experience I gain with each passing birthday – the fine lines and dulling skin, not so much. I’ve noticed...
The benefits of argan oil for hair are widely touted by many beauty products. Shampoos, hair treatments, and styling products all praise argan oil as a defining ingredient. What is Argan Oil? Argan oil is a plant oil that comes from argan trees that are...