
Native to Asia and Europe, there are 600 species of ranunculus with some being quite poisonous and other having medicinal properties praised by Hippocrates, from diuretic to anti-inflammatory. Symbolizing “rich in attractions” to the Victorians it now represents...

My new fearful ALR dog Callie, is barking at the ice hitting the windows… now growling… she prefers to be out slipping and sliding in it as opposed to hearing it. At 6:30 this morning we were the first to walk on my street. This will be quite treacherous...

blooms before the snow

We are expecting more snow tomorrow in Georgia and my backyard is beginning to bloom. Daffodils are peeking through and my lenten roses are coming up. My camellias are beginning to bloom. I do hope the snow and ice to not burn them all.
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