Kathleen Lewis

Kathleen Lewis is someone I wish I had known earlier in my life – please see my blog on her in February of this month. Such a dynamic spirit – Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, and Friend.

She passed away today – I saw her in January – we had dinner and then we talked when I got back to Atlanta and she told me she had an earache she couldn’t get rid of – then she called me from the hospital to say that she was having an MRI – and that same day she found out she had brain cancer – she never left the hospital until today – when she left for good.

My heart aches for Larry and Larissa – she had a hard struggle with cancer and her husband was so generous and caring to share with us on twitter his love for his wife – oh my what tenderness and love.

She will always be with us.

To see the first blog on a dear friend click on Kathleen

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