so maybe it isn't miracle... but in the time I took the first photo and went for a short run the seeds had grown... my goodness. Seriously, I went...
Phlox, flame in Greek, is a perennial flower native to North America. My phlox tend to bloom continually all summer, just cut off all the dead...
Pollen laden bee
Bee on Mint
Bees on Butterflyweed
Butterfly camoglouge
Goldenrain Tree
The goldenrain tree in my backyard is blooming and I had no clue that its presence is thanks to seeds from Thomas Jefferson. A French Jesuist...
This is a column in the studio that
Hosta Flowers
My hosta flowers are blooming giving off a warm fragrance under my holly tree. Bees love the flowers.
Diamond Jubilee
Sweet Alicia in the UK sent me a tin of biscuits for the Queen's Jubilee along with other goodies that were devoured immediately. The tin is lovely...
Thank you Dragonfly Beauty
6.02.2012There's something about Holly Beth's Natural Luxury that I just find so charming. Maybe it's the photo of Holly Beth in her apron and the...