Goldenrain Tree

 The goldenrain tree in my backyard is blooming and I had no clue that its [...]

This is a column in the studio that

Hosta Flowers

My hosta flowers are blooming giving off a warm fragrance under my holly tree. Bees [...]

Diamond Jubilee

Sweet Alicia in the UK sent me a tin of biscuits for the Queen’s Jubilee [...]

Thank you Dragonfly Beauty

6.02.2012 There’s something about Holly Beth’s Natural Luxury that I just find so charming.  Maybe it’s [...]


Pink Hydrangea are blooming.

Sea Turtle Tracks

It is amazing to walk the beach and see sea turtle tracks and to think [...]

Memorial Day

Please remember all those in the military and their families, my Dad Holly W. Anderson was [...]

My Dahlias

Aztecs used them to cure epilepsy, starches taken from the tubers were used for diabetes, [...]