
My Shasta Daisies are blooming. I didn’t know that they have been around for more than 4,000 years and are part of 12,000 species. The name comes from Old English meaning Day’s Eye. Prolific flowers that bloom during the day and close at night. They are actually two...


For some reason I have never been comfortable having my photo taken and/or posting my photo. However, recently I have noticed that other female business owners do a great job of posting photos of themselves and branding their lines. THEN I noticed something...

oily skin

Even oily skin needs to replenish moisture and the best way to do this is with dry oil… Yes it is true why? Because a dry oil sinks directly into your skin and does not clog the pores; non-comedogenic.  Grape seed oil and jojoba infused with calendula essential oil is...

grits honey

In this hot weather it is important to cleanse and hydrate skin. Therefore, I have decided to follow my mother’s regimen that she has followed rigorously for 83 years. When I was a child she would exfoliate with cornmeal; years later when I was making a body...
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