Are Organic Skin Care Products Effective?

Are Organic Skin Care Products Effective? Are organic skin care products effective? A legit question to ask for those of us who have been raised on products containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Though these chemical-based skin solutions can produce results,...

Fighting the Signs of Aging

  Fighting the signs of aging seems to be a battle that will never end. Getting older is inevitable, which means wrinkles are, too.  I love the wisdom and experience I gain with each passing birthday – the fine lines and dulling skin, not so much. I’ve noticed...

The Best Organic Face Moisturizer

The Best Organic Face Moisturizer Looking for the best organic face moisturizer? Look no further than HollyBeth Organics’ Rose Geranium Face Moisturizer. This nourishing blend of camellia, rosehip, and sea buckthorn oils combine with antioxidant-packed Vitamin E to...

Happy Leap Day!

Happy Leap Day! Happy leap day! Tis that extra lucky day (or believed to be extra unlucky by some) that comes every four years to keep us in sync with the solar / seasonal year. It actually takes the Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to complete its...

Happy Weekend – Let’s Go to Arabia Mountain

  It is a beautiful Saturday afternoon here in Atlanta. The sun is shining, the sky is clear, and rumor has it the temperature is going to reach 64 degrees today. What a delightful surprise for the last weekend in January, especially since there was snow on the...
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