vetiver essential oil

vetiver essential oil

  Vetiver, “aroma of tranquilty” is a grass that is native to India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia and cultivated from Brazil to Reunion. The grass has numerous uses that include erosion control (animals will not eat it) to making mats and blinds. The essential oil is...
Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin Seed Oil

  Pumpkin History Before we talk about pumpkin seed oil, let’s talk about the fruit. Yes, the countless varieties of pumpkins are in the same family as squash, cucumbers and melons. Its origin dates back to about 5000 B.C. in North America. Pumpkins are among the...
black cumin seed oil

black cumin seed oil

I’m constantly searching out new plants and oils to incorporate into to my products. Black Cumin Seed Oil, the newest weapon in my arsenal of powerful and effective organic ingredients, is hardly new. This ancient oil, derived from the seeds of the lovely Nigella...

Know Your Skin Type

  Many factors play a role in the condition of your skin, including hormones, climate, and age. It is important to recognize the state of your skin in order to find the right products to restore balance. Dry Skin Skin feeling dehydrated, tight, and flakey? You...
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