Understanding Plastics

We are constantly striving to be environmentally correct and sometimes that can we a challenge for all of us and for a small company it boils down to finances, unfortunately. Having said that, we have just created our gentle facial wash that will be in plastic and are...

Julie Hewett at See Jane in Savannah

Thanks to Shelley at See Jane in Savannah, Julie Hewett is my new hero! She is going to make me beautiful with paraben free make up!!!! I am honored and delighted to say that she is doing my make up in Savannah at Shelley’s new location! We at HollyBeth’s...

Indian Jasmine

One is enveloped with a cacophony of aromas in India, one being the smell of bundles of jasmine – this was a lovely bouquet that someone was selling in a park – they are just heady and glorious and a big part of Flourish.
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