
My amaryllis bloomed this morning! It is said that they can bloom for an amazing 75 years. Native to South America and South Africa (depending on species), it is unknown when they arrived in North America. However, Thomas Jefferson wrote about amaryllis in the 1800s....


It takes 8,000,000 handpicked jasmine flowers to produce 2 pounds of oil. There are over 200 species of jasmine and I have been seduced by this intoxicating aroma around the globe from Europe, Africa, India, Bali, Thailand, Latin America etc. …. and at home....


My Dianthus are blooming emitting their spicy, clove aroma. A member of the carnation family, they look like paper cut with pinking shears. The name is derived from the Greek work for God dios anthos meaning flower. With over 300 species they are native to North...
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