My apple tree is blossoming, and I just read that it will be another 6 years before it bears fruit. Apple trees are not self-pollinating, they need bees. There are over 2500 varieties of apples in the US and over 7000 in the world. 100 varieties are grown commercially...
It is December and it is going to 75 degrees today in Atlanta. Goodness! There are butterflies in my backyard and the birds are in their nests. You would think it is spring instead of Christmas time. My gaillardia are still flowering, my tea olive is sharing its...
For full disclosure, marzipan has never been my favorite sweet, maybe because they are almost too beautiful too eat. Look at the photos of Wendy’s marzipan, they look real! I want to decorate my Christmas tree with them. Wendy’s creations have graced the pages...