Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day This Sunday is Mother’s Day, a time to celebrate those that have been a major force of support and inspiration in your life. Be it your mother, caregiver, or any person in your life who has guided you, it is time to say thank you – and shower them...

Atlanta Shopping – Fig & Flower

  Atlanta Shopping: In Search of the Perfect Gifts February is a month of gift-giving occasions for me. Of course Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, but I also have my friend’s wedding anniversary and my sister-in-law’s birthday to celebrate. So, my...

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift for Her

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift for Her – Rose Geranium Candles Valentine’s Day is around the corner: another gift-giving holiday that may leave some of us clueless as to what to give that special someone. If you’re like me, you’ve probably gone the roses...
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