Backyard Inspiration

Natural Perfection I was walking through my backyard today and found this pink rose in full bloom, soaking up the sun and enjoying the spring weather. I couldn’t help but think how amazing nature is. This entire splendor comes from the Earth, a natural gift that...

Happy Leap Day!

Happy Leap Day! Happy leap day! Tis that extra lucky day (or believed to be extra unlucky by some) that comes every four years to keep us in sync with the solar / seasonal year. It actually takes the Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to complete its...

Tips for Relaxing During the Work Week

Tips for Relaxing During the Work Week It is almost the weekend – but not quite yet. There is still one more day of meetings, deadlines, errands, appointments, and obligations that demand your attention. By the time the weekend comes around, all of your energy...

Choosing the Best Skin Care Line

  So Many Choices With so many different body products out there, how do you choose the best skin care line for you? Watching television last night, I counted five different skin care advertisements in an hour time slot! And what about all of the ever-changing...

New Year, New Skin!

Happy New Year! As the holiday season comes to a close, we say a bittersweet goodbye to 2015 and start anew in 2016. Now is our chance to cultivate our goals and find new successes, be it with the hopeful motivation of a New Year’s resolution or an ever-present desire...
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