Happy Friday at Woo

Happy Friday! If you are in Atlanta stop by Woo Skincare in Peacthree Battle  today I will be there from 11 – 3.

cedar wood essential oil

Cedar wood essential oil is woodsy, spicy and warm. Cedar trees in the US are native to the south. Cedar trees have significant religious implications from Christianity to Buddhism to the mummification properties of the ancient Egyptians. The cedars of Lebanon,...


It takes 8,000,000 handpicked jasmine flowers to produce 2 pounds of oil. There are over 200 species of jasmine and I have been seduced by this intoxicating aroma around the globe from Europe, Africa, India, Bali, Thailand, Latin America etc. …. and at home....

Mother's Day Special

Did we mention that thanks to Sweet Peach blog we are offering 15% off for Mother’s Day? Our gift section has all you need to make Mother’s Day Special … or any day 🙂  coupon code sweetpeach
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