Grits & 15% Discount

What a better way to start the day than grits and a 15% discount at HollyBeth Organics – use the coupon code valid until 10.22.2012 > grits

Pure Body Beauty Holly Dulsky

Pink is the color of the month for breast cancer awareness and Holly Dulsky wears it well! She is the owner of one of my new favorites newly launched sites Pure Body Beauty.  We are delighted to be partnering with her, she is talented, vivacious and a fellow dog...

Organic Beauty Talk Review

Organic Beauty Talk reviewed our marigold bergamot dry oil I’m a huge fan of HollyBeth Organics for the quality, purity, and performance of the ingredients in her USDA certified organic skin care line as well as her new website makeover. The Grits & Honey Scrub is...
DIY Honey Beauty Recipes

DIY Honey Beauty Recipes

DIY Beauty Recipes with Honey Fruit Cleanser  Strawberries, rich in vitams A and C, they are great for your skin and I love using them in recipes. Mix ingredients in a bowl and use to cleanse skin. It not only cleanses, but moisturizes. 3 tablespoons honey 3...
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