We asked Rebecca Bessert to enlighten us on our newest ingredient, apricot seed oil, in our new body oil.

This wonderful summer fruit brings back memories of my grandmother’s trail mix, which was primarily composed of dried apricots. The fresh fruit is great because it’s sweet but not messy like peaches can be. I also remember the time last summer when I got to the pit of the apricot, and it was split open. I had never seen an apricot seed before! It looked a little like an almond, and felt a little softer. I thought it should be fine to eat, just like other seed nuts…Man, that was bitter! I did a little research after that incident, and learned that the flavor is literally the only bad thing about it! I was actually doing myself a favor by eating it:
Apricot seeds (or kernels) are high in many nutrients, including vitamin B17, oleic and lineolic fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, and E. It’s also high in antioxidants. The best way to get those is through the apricot seed oil. It tastes better than the seed, I can assure you. You can ingest the oil through capsules or use it for high temperature cooking, since it has a high smoke point. It’s great in a salad dressing, too.
But–it’s also an amazing addition to your skincare! The fatty acids help your skin retain moisture and help fight signs of aging. This is essential for dry skin, cracked skin, and thin skin. It also adds a subtle sweet, nutty aroma that’s not overpowering. It’s also easily absorbed into the skin, so you won’t have to worry about waiting around before getting dressed while you let it sink in. (Take that, olive oil!)
Apricot seed oil is one of the main ingredients in HollyBeth’s new body oil! I can’t wait for you to try it! It’s also safe to use on your face.