
My Shasta Daisies are blooming. I didn’t know that they have been around for more than 4,000 years and are part of 12,000 species. The name comes from Old English meaning Day’s Eye. Prolific flowers that bloom during the day and close at night. They are actually two...

peony time

My backyard is a bevy of flying architects, nuthatch, cardinals, brown thrashers, titmouse, and Carolina wrens are building in every birdhouse, gardenia bush, and holly. The thrashers outside my bedroom winter that hatched last week are already gone. Peonies, roses,...

dogwood trees

Dogwood trees are some of the most versatile trees. Birds eat the berry, Native America used the wood for arrow shafts and basket and the roots were used for dye.  Extracts from the tree were used for medicinal purposes and the bark was used to treat mange. Mine...
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