Cranberries aren’t just for Thanksgiving

Cranberries aren’t just for Thanksgiving

History Cranberries aren’t just for Thanksgiving. More importantly, they aren’t just frozen and in a sauce. We can thank Native Americans ingenuity for developing the versatility of this sour berry as it was a mainstay in their diet and life. Cree boiled the...
Stress and our body

Stress and our body

Stress, unfortunately, is a part of life. How do you manage your stress?  Stress and our hair and body I distinctly remember in my 30s waking up and looking in the mirror to find my first grey hair. It should not have shocked me as I was in the process of a...
Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit Essential Oil

  Grapefruit Essential Oil Grapefruit essential oil is a great addition to one’s wellness routine. It is full of vitamin C and antioxidants. Marigold foaming cleanser is formulated with calendula and  grapefruit essential oil.  Origins of The Grapefruit...
Travel Time

Travel Time

Labor Day always seems like the beginning of fall to me, my favorite time of year. The time of no more white pants and glorious colors and my favorite time to travel Before I started HollyBeth Organics, my life was all about travel. If I wasn’t traveling for business...
Sunflower Seed Oil

Sunflower Seed Oil

Sunflower Seed Oil for the skin Sunflower seed oil is so beneficial to the skin. A study on infants compared sunflower seed oil with olive oil and found that olive oil “significantly damages the skin barrier” and should be discouraged for dry skin treatment and...
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