Geranium Leaves

Geranium leaves are some of my favorite aromas. Hence, cooking with geraniums is my thought [...]


Begonias have not really been high on my list of blooming plants because they are [...]


Katydids are al over my roses and daisies. They are born looking like an adult [...]



  There are over 550 species of swallowtail globally and roughly 30 in the US. [...]

sunflower oil benefits for your skin

A  recent  study compared olive oil and sunflower seed oil in its effectiveness in the treatment [...]

bumblee pollinators

bonne fete du 14 juillet

Today is Bastille Day, 14 juillet a pseudo sentimental day for me. France was a [...]


It appears I am always on a mission, always on the go and not stopping [...]


Rudbeckia or Black Eyed Susan, native to the eastern US, are resilient flowers known as [...]