cedar wood

Cedars are ancient wonders living to 800 years old. Cedar comes from Arabic from the [...]

hair & body silk

orange essential oil

Oranges have been cultivated since 2500 BC and are native to Southeast Asia; they were [...]

argan oil – moroccan oil – shea butter

Unesco has determined that argan oil (Moroccan oil) is currently under the threat from excessive [...]

eye area

The skin around your eye area is the thinnest on your face – therefore the [...]


Happy Sunday! Inspiration – what inspires YOU? I will start… my backyard is my inspiration [...]

Rain Rose

Happy Saturday! It is a thunderstorm day in Georgia and I can honestly say I [...]

Clary Sage

Clary sage was originally used to improve vision it is now known to be effective [...]

bird chirping

rose petals