by HollyBeth Anderson | Dec 20, 2013 | aromatherapy, artisan crafted, beauty, bubble bath, camellia, christmas, citrus cream, dry oil, essential oils, exfoliate, eye cream, flower, gift, grits honey, handmade, Holidays, hollybeth organics, hollybeth website, moisturize, natural, nature, organic, organic certfied, organic skincare, organics, organics bodycare, radiant skin, skincare, stocking stuffer
by HollyBeth Anderson | Oct 21, 2013 | artisan crafted, beauty, camellia, eye cream, flower, flowers, hollybeth organics, hollybeth website, moisturize
a camellia in my yard
by HollyBeth Anderson | Sep 19, 2013 | flower, gardening, hollybeth organics, Motivational quote, welcome
by HollyBeth Anderson | Sep 16, 2013 | flower, flowers, Garden, gardening
anemone, cosmos and dahlia
by HollyBeth Anderson | Sep 6, 2013 | flower, gardening
by HollyBeth Anderson | Sep 3, 2013 | flower, gardening
DANDELION SALAD • 2 cups dandelion greens and if you have basil in your garden add that • Nuts of your choice • Blueberries or strawberries (or fruit/veggie of the season) Dressing that I make – you can add/subtract as needed – and as I don’t normally measure it this...