dandelion salad

DANDELION SALAD • 2 cups dandelion greens and if you have basil in your garden add that • Nuts of your choice • Blueberries or strawberries (or fruit/veggie of the season) Dressing that I make – you can add/subtract as needed – and as I don’t normally measure it this...


Is it just me or do we all hesitate to immediately embrace what our Mother says? My mother kept telling me about an article I had to read. Finally last night I read the crumpled newspaper article that she had gifted me and voila! It was an article by Susan Salisbury...

cardinal vine

My backyard is a bevy of butterflies and hummingbirds this morning, just glorious and there is a new resident an eastern cottontail visiting every morning and evening. After waiting all summer my cardinal vine has finally bloom, alas just one bloom but there are more...
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