friendly pollinators, bumble bees

September is still colorful in my backyard. Bees and hummers are visiting all the fall blooms. My cardinal vine is full of trumpet blooms that are being frequented by ruby throated hummingbirds the only hummingbird that nests in Georgia. We have 11 species of humming...

life begins in the garden

The saying that life begins in the garden is so true in my backyard. The bevy of wings, paws and petals is sometimes breathtaking.

dandelion salad

DANDELION SALAD • 2 cups dandelion greens and if you have basil in your garden add that • Nuts of your choice • Blueberries or strawberries (or fruit/veggie of the season) Dressing that I make – you can add/subtract as needed – and as I don’t normally measure it this...
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