USDA Organic Certified

USDA Organic Certified

Being USDA Organic Certified is something we are quite proud of. As a small company being certified for 14 years is no small task. The annual audit always makes me nervous as rules change all the time, not to mention the financial investment. So sometimes I ask...


History The marula tree is native to Southern Africa and is also known as the “marriage tree” in certain cultures. If one is married beneath the tree, they will enjoy fertility and vigor throughout their life. The bark is made into a drink that is used in a cleansing...
USDA Organic Certified

8 Myths of Organic Debunked

There are more than 8 myths to be debunked about the term “organic” but let’s start with these. Myths about organic skin care, organic produce and what defines an organic product are ongoing in social media conversations and pepper many a magazine....
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