DIY Honey Beauty Recipes

DIY Honey Beauty Recipes

DIY Beauty Recipes with Honey Fruit Cleanser  Strawberries, rich in vitams A and C, they are great for your skin and I love using them in recipes. Mix ingredients in a bowl and use to cleanse skin. It not only cleanses, but moisturizes. 3 tablespoons honey 3...

Organic Beauty Talk Review

Thank you Organic Beauty talk for the reveiw! “I use HollyBeth’s Lavender Hand Cream every night before bed! It’s become an integral part of my bedtime routine. HollyBeth’s Lavender Hand Cream is USDA certified organic, smells heavenly, and is extremely...


Before I tell you about my new dear friend, I must say that the blurriness of the photos is not a result of imbibing wine but of using a borrowed camera (my boyfriend’s). Unfortunately my camera’s battery died. Adjectives that come to mind when thinking of...
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