Winter All Over the World

  Atlanta, GA Cold and rainy with a chance of snow.  A winter forecast that can scare any Atlantan straight into the grocery store, then hidden away at home until it passes. Work lets out early, kids stay home from school, and the streets are empty. The city...

Three Must-Have Skincare Products for Men

Every time my husband opens the bathroom mirror, he marvels at how many beauty products I have. “Why do you have so many face creams and body lotions? What the heck is body oil? And why on earth does washing your face involve three different steps with multiple...

The Quest for Clear Skin

  The Path to Clear Skin I figured at my age acne was a thing of the past, and that one of the perks of getting older would be saying goodbye to breakouts forever. Wrong! At age thirty-something, I still have to deal with random pimples popping up; however, with...
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