
native to the south, is also known as French mulberry, sourbush, bunchberry, or purple beauty-berry. In Greek, the genus name Callicarpa means callos, “beauty” and carpos “fruit” The roots, leaves, and branches were used by various Native American tribes for medicinal purposes to treat malarial fevers and rheumatism. The roots were used to treat dizziness, stomachaches and dysentery.  Roots and berries were boiled and drunk to treat colic. The leaves have been known to be insect repellants and were used in the fields between the harness to keep bugs away from horses and mules when plowing.  It is a stunning bush year round in my backyard. The flowers are blooming now – very small clusters that produce the vibrant purple berries. The berries provide is high in moisture content to over 40 species of birds in the fall and in the summer the leaves provide protein. What I enjoy most are the colors, from the flowers to the berries it is a stunning plant.