Pumpkins and Bees


Pumpkins and bees are heavy on my mind this morning. It is Saturday morning and I really didn’t intend to get on a soap box on a business page but it affects my business…. bees.

A World With No Bees?

Without bees we wouldn’t have these gorgeous blue, pink, red and orange pumpkins at Lucy’s market, unheard of colors when I was growing up as a pumpkin was always and only orange. No jack o lanterns, no pumpkin pies without the bees. Why? Because bees pollinate pumpkins. So the next time you think about swatting a bee think twice and kiss it instead. Without the bees you wouldn’t have 1 out of 7 bites of food or honey. Honey is the point of this tirade…. tupelo honey – found in our grits and honey scrub – is only found in the south… supposedly. However, as there was NO crop of tupelo honey this year I have to buy from last year’s supply. And here is where you, the consumer, might or should be upset: the farm I found is in Florida but the honey is shipped to Michigan – so I am buying from Michigan. Maybe I am the only person that finds this odd and/or carbon footprint crazy. The bees don’t have a carbon foot print only humans. The bottom line: we need the bees and unless you live under a rock you know we are losing them. So, I have decided to plant tupelo trees in the hopes that I can have bee hives…. if it is not too late. What are you going to do?