ginger lilies
August brings out one of my favorite flowers, my fragrant ginger lilies. Ginger lilies belong to a family of 1600 different species and it is...
under eyes' circles
We get so many calls from women about our eye cream and if our eye cream will diminish and/or erase the dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles...
Natural Health Magazine – Thank you!
Geranium Leaves
Geranium leaves are some of my favorite aromas. Hence, cooking with geraniums is my thought of the day. Just chop up the leaves and add to cookie...
Begonias have not really been high on my list of blooming plants because they are annuals and I tent to plant perennials. However this year the...
Katydids are al over my roses and daisies. They are born looking like an adult and molt until they grow their wings. They begin singing 3 months...
There are over 550 species of swallowtail globally and roughly 30 in the US. They are the largest butterfly species in North America. Their...
sunflower oil benefits for your skin
A recent study compared olive oil and sunflower seed oil in its effectiveness in the treatment of dry skin and infant massage. The study...
bumblee pollinators
bonne fete du 14 juillet
Today is Bastille Day, 14 juillet a pseudo sentimental day for me. France was a large part of my life for years and its influence remains with me to...