
Moth or butterfly

Moths navigate by the moon and stars and can see ultra violet light. Their wings are covered in hair and scales and some fly in the day and some...

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Training ground and hosta

This morning my backyard is a veritable training ground or should I say flight pad.  Cardinals, thrashers and robins are prancing with their babies...

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Relay for Life

We are supporting Relay for Life by donating product tonight. Hope you are going!

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Morning Glories

There are over 1000 species of morning glories including sweet potatoes.  This one is like kudzu growing everywhere choking all my flowers. The are...

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  When I was young my parents and I spent time in Hawaii and every time my gardenias bloom it reminds me of being there. In researching gardenias I...

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 These beauties just bloomed and I am not certain of their name. My grandmother always had tiger lilies, she would keep the seeds and plant them...

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