8 Myths of Organic Debunked

8 Myths of Organic Debunked

There are more than 8 myths to be debunked about the term “organic” but let’s start with these. Myths about organic skin care, organic produce and what defines an organic product are ongoing in social media conversations and pepper many a magazine....


Lavender love My love of lavender began while living in France. The decadent rows of it in the south of France and all the creams and potions were just divine. However, it wasn’t until I moved back home and visited Sequim (pronounced Squeem not seqeem), Washington...
Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pomegranate Seed Oil

History Pomegranate seed oil began it’s journey literally eons ago. Native to Persia the pomegranate is one of the oldest fruits on the planet. It was known as the nectar of the Gods. Its first journey was to China in 100 B.C. In China it represents wealth and...


 Cardamom is a spice that comes from the seed pods of various ginger plants. Native to India and popular throughout Asia, Cardamom is the world’s third most expensive spice, famous for its aromatic and healing properties. It is commonly used in food, medicine,...
Why choose waterless skincare?

Why choose waterless skincare?

Why chose waterless skincare? Water Shortage First let’s address water shortage before we address the benefits of waterless and/or anydrous skincare. Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh water i.e. available water for human consumption. 11.1 billion people worldwide...
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