Category Archives: gardening

rose petals



  Sweet Peach Blog  came over to celebrate the first day of spring and I [...]


A daffodil from my yard – harbingers of spring Daffodils by William Wordsmith I wander’d [...]

grape hyacinth, vinca purple beauties

Spring is here and my backyard didn’t need the hour changed to prove it. Grape [...]


Helichrysum oil is an essential oil that you is not widely used however, is quite [...]

chilly snow Sunday blooms

It is spitting snow in my backyard and a wind-chill in the 20s which is [...]


My hyacinth are blooming, the second most luscious smell in my yard after daphne. Pink [...]

Happy Monday

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Henry [...]

embrace the day

Happy Saturday! Embrace the day and bloom to your full potential, because we are confined [...]

January Blooms

Can you tell what is wrong with this photo? I picked these in my yard [...]