DIY Honey Recipes for Glowing Skin

DIY Honey Recipes for Glowing Skin

HONEY BEAUTY RECIPES Fruit Cleanser  Strawberries, rich in vitamins A and C, and alpha-hydroxylic acid, are wonderful for your skin. You can cut a strawbery in half and massage into skin for a pick me up Vitamin C Mix ingredients in a bowl and use to cleanse...
Native Bees

Native Bees

There are more than 3,600 species of native bees in North America according to Xerces society or 4000 according to USDA. Native bees are our most important pollinators.Honey bees are not native to the US, they were brought here from Europe and they are not our number...


Beautyberry, native to the south, is also known as French mulberry, sourbush, bunchberry, or purple beauty-berry. In Greek, the genus name Callicarpa means callos, “beauty” and carpos “fruit” The roots, leaves, and branches were used by various Native American tribes...
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