I am in love with HollyBeth Organics’ Rose Geranium Toner. In fact, it is one of my all-time favorite skin care products, and I won’t leave home without it. Looking for a great-smelling body mist? Need a toner to sooth your skin? Want to keep your...
Short-Sleeve Travel Weather is Around the Corner When it’s a sunny, 60 degree day in February, you can’t help but long for short-sleeve shirt weather and spring road trips. Inspired by the surprise heat, HollyBeth and I couldn’t help but discuss our favorite...
It is a beautiful Saturday afternoon here in Atlanta. The sun is shining, the sky is clear, and rumor has it the temperature is going to reach 64 degrees today. What a delightful surprise for the last weekend in January, especially since there was snow on the...
Atlanta, GA Cold and rainy with a chance of snow. A winter forecast that can scare any Atlantan straight into the grocery store, then hidden away at home until it passes. Work lets out early, kids stay home from school, and the streets are empty. The city...
July is often a daydreamy kind of month. Sometimes, especially in the South, when it’s so hot and humid that I can barely move, my thoughts tend to drift out the window to a faraway place. With Bastille Day arriving earlier this week, and from my days in the studio...