
  Magnolias, the epitome of  Southern charm, have a delicate crisp aroma that permeates the entire yard. Pollinated by beetles, they are older than bees, dating back 200 million years. It takes 15 years for the tree to produce flowers and they can live for 120...

columbine flower

Columbine is a native wildflower to North America and is in the same family as the buttercup.  Its name comes from Latin meaning dove like (Columba) and eagle (Aquilegia its scientific name). Symbolism of the flower ranges from foolishness to seduction. It is that...


Apples, did you know there are over 7500 varities world wide? It is the number one fruit eaten in the U.S. and rightly so. With no fat, sodium or cholesterol it is only 80 calories and 25% of it is water, that is why they float. It takes 36 apples to make one gallon...
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