Tupelo Honey

Tupelo honey Tupelo honey is often referred to as Southern gold or the Queen of honey and rightly so. This velvety honey is the only honey diabetics can eat. Its high fructose content means that it is quickly absorbed by the body. Compared to other honeys it is has a...

Pumpkins and Bees

Pumpkins and bees are heavy on my mind this morning. It is Saturday morning and I really didn’t intend to get on a soap box on a business page but it affects my business…. bees. A World With No Bees? Without bees we wouldn’t have these gorgeous blue,...

Bumble Bees

Bumble bees, native to the United States, not like the humble honey bee that was imported in the 1600s from Europe are in danger. As with all 250 species of bees, they are in dire trouble and dying off. That is why I delight when my backyard is a bevy of buzz with all...


Apples, did you know there are over 7500 varities world wide? It is the number one fruit eaten in the U.S. and rightly so. With no fat, sodium or cholesterol it is only 80 calories and 25% of it is water, that is why they float. It takes 36 apples to make one gallon...
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