January Blooms

Can you tell what is wrong with this photo? I picked these in my yard this morning and never have they all bloomed at the same time, lemon verbena, daffodils, lavender, geranium, daphnes, camellias and lenten roses.

sunday blooming blessings

January 2013 and for the first time in my lifetime, daffodils, daphnes, lenten roses, camellias, mahonia are blooming and my holly tree is laden with berries waiting for the cedar wax wings in my backyard sanctuary. Bees are gathering pollen from my camellias and the...

Christmas Lights

Did you know that in the 12th century the first Christmas trees were hung upside from ceilings as a symbol of Christianity? The first decorated tree was in 1510 in Latvia and the 16th century Martin Luther decorated a tree with candles for children to see how the...
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